Saturday, July 3, 2010

My chihuahua has anemia

So recently my chihuahua named "lollipop" had been acting strange. By strange I mean she refused to eat or drink. She became less active and often looked very fatigued. I decided to contact my vet about my concerns and made an appointment. The vet had confirmed that my dog was anemic. "Canine anemia is a condition that occurs when there is a lack of red blood cells in your dog’s body. It occurs when red blood cells aren’t produced fast enough or when the body loses them too quickly." The average PCV (packed cell volume) for a dog is between 37-55. Lollipop's PCV was only 15. The vet said if her PCV continues to drop, lollipop may not be able to live much longer. Hearing this news brought me much sorrow and despair. Lollipop has been with my family for about 7 years now. She has always been so hyper and excited about everything. The vet said to give her these medications and come back in 3 days for another checkup. I'm just hoping for the best...

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