Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Finished Modding My Nerf Maverick

  Ever since that last Nerf war, I've been hooked on Nerf Guns and modifying. The thing you should know about me is that I can be very competitive and so of course I would want to try to make my gun better than others. I pretty much spent most of my weekend watching Youtube videos on how to do such modifications. I removed the air restrictors, full barrel mod, eliminated dead space, and stretched the spring. It may sound a lot, but it's actually quick and easy. Here's a good read-me tutorial: http://humansvszombies.org/archives/550, however, I personally find it easier to visually see how its done in Youtube videos. The average distance of a stock Maverick was between 25-28. My newly modded Maverick ranges between 30-35, which in my opinion is pretty good. After I had finished the modding, I took a look at my Maverick and noticed there was still a problem. The colors. Blue and yellow was just not working for me, so I decided to drop by Michael's Arts and Crafts to purchase glossy black and chrome silver spray paint. Now that's what I call a sexy gun.

In the end, I spent nothing for the nerf gun, $6 for the spray paints, $8 for the tactical rail light w/ 10 darts, and a few hours putting it all together. Total = $14 + tax, so $15. Worth it? Eh.. yes in that it gave me something to do and I had fun, but money-wise, not so much.

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